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Joined:  03/15/2024

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It is really sad that men continue to downplay the role of women throughout our 4.4 million year fossil record, let alone in ancient days.

The fact is, no matter how male scholars try to maintain the nearly 3000-year old fallacy that men accomplished everything throughout history, it will never stand up to the truth… eventually.

In 2009 I published the first of my 25 Amazon books, identifying the spoken language of the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic language. And I confirmed the identification in 2014, after Egyptologists demanded I show the words of the identified spoken language in sentences.

The resulting word-by-word retranslation of the entire hieroglyphic portion of the 196BC Rosetta Stone not only confirmed my identification. But more importantly, as a 99.9% accurate translation of the Greek, at the bottom, into the hieroglyphic language, at the top, it proves that the ancient Greeks were capable of accurately reading and writing the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic language.

This is critical to know, because it shows that if the ancient Greeks mistranslated the ancient texts, it was intentional.

And the Rosetta Stone retranslation also shows written ancient Greek is not an independent written language. Ancient written Greek, like most other ancient written languages, is simply an imitation of the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic language. That includes the writing characters, vocabulary, and grammar.

Therefore, when you accurately retranslate the so-called Hesiod Theogony, it doesn't actually say women were "muses". And it doesn't actually say Zeus swallowed his pregnant wife and unborn child. In fact, it doesn't actually say Zeus or any of the other names at all.

Worse yet for women, the word the Hesiod translates as "king", basiliy, is a misappropriation of the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic title weyzero that means "Mrs.", referring to the queen mother (see Wosret). And the queen mothers around the ancient world owned all the land, the farms, and the markets where they sold their own produce.

But after the 300-year ancient Greek famine, which ended approximately 850BC, the ancient Greek men stripped their mothers of the land, farms and markets. They instituted what is written in philosophy, "philosophy" actually an ancient Egyptian word that means "seize", seizing neighboring land if okay if they need food.

Yes, the ancient Greek men blamed their mothers for the 300-year famine, which was actually caused by drought. Regardless, the Greek men also confined women to the home and forbid them them to any longer own land or be involved in government, farm ownership or markets.

Then, as part of the propaganda and vilification of women, ancient Greek men solidified their blame of the ancient Greek women in their creation of the mythical Greek goddess, "Eris", mother of famine and the ensuing strife and fighting between men. It is not a coincidence thar "Eris" is actually an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic word, irsha that means "farm", or in this case "farmer", again suggesting it was the women who owned the farms who caused the 300-year famine.

That was the beginning of women's loss of their rights, which continues to this day.

I've attached for you PDFs of my recent Amazon book series, "The Women Who Invented Writing and Ancient Egyptian Civilization". The book series, part of my girls education series (which was written in a style suggested and guided by Will Slattery of Social Studies School Service lays out how women created one of the world's most important civilizations.

So in terms of Queen Mirtnesh, whom Egyptologists refer to as Meret-Neith, this queen was a co-founding queen of ancient Egypt 5100 years ago. She developed the large-scale farming in Lower Egypt (today's Nile Delta, Israel, Jordan, and Syria), to supply the first Egyptian city founded by the other co-founding queen, Queen Megbit, referred to by Egyptologists as Nekhbet.
The hieroglyphic word mirt means "crops" and megbi means "food".

And to facilitate their communication over the 400-mile distance between them, another ancient Egyptian woman, Sewasew invented hieroglyphic writing, whom Egyptologists refer to as Seshat.

The hieroglyphic word sewasew means grammar.

All this will eventually come out into the open, made possible by the identification of the spoken language of the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic language, which allows for accurate retranslation of ancient texts. Helping women discover their true place in time and power in ancient days.

Legesse Allyn
Los Angeles, CA USA
Phone/WhatsApp: +1 323 419 3296
TikTok: @DecodedBible


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